
Dream Large again, Live Larger again…

Just in case it isn’t clear, I absolutely love this show. Also in case it isn’t clear, I don’t have any rights to the characters, settings, or storylines from Entourage. Not the TV series, not the 2015 feature film. And no, Doug Ellin didn’t actually write it with me (I wish! Respect, Mr. Ellin).

Maybe no one agrees with me, but I feel like Entourage provides a unique opportunity with its setting, history and cast to make a satire of toxic male culture without betraying its original tone to become a parody. I felt like the best way to see if people agree was to just go ahead and write the thing.

If you aren’t a fan of the show, believe me, I get it, especially in this day and age. That's the point of this screenplay. This type of stuff needs to change.

If you’re a fan of Entourage, believe me, I’m right there with you. I love this show but everyone needs to grow, even Vinnie Chase. I ask you, would Vinnie have come back on top in Scorcese’s Gatsby if he hadn’t used the failure of Medellin to grow?

So, I hope you enjoy…Entourage #Me2.